Downloadable Educational Resources
On this page you will find a number of downloadable resources that will support your Puppetry & Shadow Theatre educational workshops.
Understanding Traditional Indonesian Puppetry
A summary about Wayang Golek and traditional puppet shows in Indonesia
Accompanying Activities and Workshops for Productions
To reach your educational targets, we have created workshops and activities that can be included performances such as The Lost Forest. With thanks to the narrative mapping system of Karen Hansen (Imagination Facilitation). Some aspects of this document are relevant to projects which could stem from any puppet show.
Puppets on Trial
Below are documents to download and use in conjunction with the Puppets on Trial workshop, a workshop which can accompany a performance of The Lost Forest. These discussion sheets will facilitate cross-examination of the puppet characters, leading to them each being put on trial.
Character Discussion Sheets:
Please contact us if you would like more information.